The Majority and The Minority drinking coffee.

Not to my surprise, we are extremely different, he represents the majority and I represent the minority, the majority is the ones that follow the rules, pray the 5 prays, do not question what they are told, believe that if you are not a Muslim then you are an infidel, the majority thinks that the whole western world is corrupt, lacking morals, no family values, their women are cheap and their men lack manhood.. the majority that lives abroad they try hard to fit in but they rather create a different persona to be able to adapt, they become different people than the ones you will find back home and the minority is the new generation that go in their lives seeking freedom that they learnt the meaning of liberality, respecting other people views and needs or simply suffered enough mind control and brain wash that the minority had to change and liberate them selves in order to find freedom, the minority now knows that freedom comes from within 1st, you have to have a free mind to demand other shapes of freedom, the minority believes that anyone should be entitled to behave the way they wish to as long as they do not cross other people freedom, you want to be gay, go a head, you want to have sex, go a head, you want to practice love, go a head, you want to talk about red issues, go a head, the minority does not find differences threatening like the majority.
For my friend who represents the majority, I the minority is a sinner, I is someone who lost faith and lost their Islam path of life, I will go to hell.
For me, my friend or the majority is simply brain washed, cheeps that follow their shepherd in a simple order, they do what they told and they believe what they are told to be the ultimate truth, for the minority this the ultimate disappointment , no matter how hard we will try to make the majority think out side the box, try to understand, we will never be able to convince them of our ways simply because no matter what we say they try to convince us that we are wrong and that if we did not repent to the majority ways then we are doomed to hell.
Yet, we are able to set down on one table and have a coffee even if deep inside we hate what we represents, we still can be decent humans but this is the feared question.. when we will have to fight, this falseness and fakeness can not last for ever, the minority`s liberality is repressed and the majority is angry, at one point we will clash hard. Why our society cant be a simple one, if we manage to respect each other regardless of our differences.. Some times I wonder is it because we are Muslims?
We had our coffee and this very heated debates of my faulty ways !!! Ended the night with my friend praying Allah to show me the errors of my self destruction path of thinking.
And in our ways we both left, nothing have change, I remain the minority and he remains the majority.
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