Holly Hell Generalising Is Living Inside A Closed Ark Shell

Is there is a bigger picture to the latest terrorism incident occurred in Woolwich ?We all watched the shocking news of the killing of British soldier in Help for heroes T-shirt Drummer Lee Rigby brutally  near the London barracks in broad daylight , we all seen the suspect known to the police and MI5 previously as Michael Adebolajo who traveled in the past to Somalia to join banned Islamist group al Ahabaab, brandishing a knife and a cleaver with bloody hands using  jihadist rhetoric to justify his violent act of terrorism he committed against 25 years old soldier Drummer Lee Rigby.

Like most people in Britain, watching TV and switching the channel to BBC I was hit with the horrible shocking news, I didn't believe it at first sight  I thought it was a sick joke but then it went on to the details off the attack and playing the video of the man in cold blood speaking to a passer by who he asked to film, straight away after seeing the news the only thing that came into me was, what this world is heading to ? I was hit by a scary feeling that no one is safe, you can be walking down the streets you know and some nutter comes up to you and kill you while everyone is watching, and then comes the sorrow feelings for the family of the victim, he was dead now and nothing can be done to save him but his parents, wife, kids and friends, how could they live with such pain, can they ever heal, can they ever come to terms with something like that, what about his wife, how did she take such news? the poor kid that will grow up without a father, how can his mom and dad watch this violent video without breaking their heart over and over, I myself can not put myself in their shoes, I could never expect this to happen to anyone I know or will ever know how to accept it or getting to terms with it, my heart truly goes for his family, so much that words can not say, sadness that can not be expressed. 

The next day everyone I met was disgusted, there was sad and angry look on everyones face in the streets, I was behind my screen once again hearing more about the case, how that the MI5 had knew the suspects all along, how that those attackers have relationship with banned Islamic groups and how did one of them was allegedly tortured in Kenya, I heard about the radical views of the attackers and seen the Prime Minister asking people to not assume theories and not let this incident make a division between the fabric of the society, I seen that this was probably a one off attack by two brainwashed Islamic converted Christians.I then logged on to my facebook and seen so many hate statues, I had a heated debate with an angry Scottish, a friend of a friend who believes we (Muslims) all should be moved back to our home countries, seen statues that said things like, all Muslims should be kept track off by the police, the government should protect British people from all foreigners by removing them off the British soil, I even told someone that racism is a crime when he personally attacked me because I was a Muslim, I told him the police should know about this, I understand the anger and the sadness, but I am angry and sad too and I am a Muslim!!! Why would I or any other Muslim suffers for a crime that someone else committed, the least to say about this someone else is that he is a sick criminal, why would anyone think I am a terrorist or I agree with terrorist way of thinking because I am a Muslim.How stupid it is to generalise, it is really as simple as that, those are individuals that happened to be Muslims, people who done a crime and whatever their motives are, still a crime,Why am I writing this article now ? because I have an open mind and I want to ask you all to have an open mind.

I want you all to understand that generalising is ignorant, let me give you an example, why it is wrong and I will leave you to decide for yourself.

Informally known as the Klan, The Ku Klux Klan (KKK) are a perfect example of racism and crimes committed under the name of religion, in this case it is Christianity, how many black people have died, killed brutally by the Klan ?  does this means that all Christians are killers or racist ?

Another example is the Catholic sex abuse cases such as Gerald Fitzgerald. the founder of a religious order that treats Roman Catholic priests who molest children, or Thomas Laughlin the pedophile priest, and many many other cases, does this incidents make all Christians perverts ?All I am trying to say that there is the bad and the good in every society, and religion and it is wrong to say that because of a rotten apple that the apple tree is  rotten too.

I hope we all can keep an  open mind and use this accident to bring us all closer together, one hand, we all should say no to haters and those who want to divide our communities, we all should say no to terrorism in all its shapes and we all should say no to racism with its different reasons. And for the grieving family soldier Drummer Lee Rigby, you are not alone in this, you have all our hearts and condolences, may you find the strength that sees you through this tragic times.

I leave you as always with a message of love.


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