Deadly Terror In Woolwich London Leaves A Man Dead

Early afternoon today the 22/05/2013 a terror incident took place near the London barracks leaving a man believed to be a soldier dead brutally, it is believed the man died after suffering knife injuries, possibly around the head area.

Alleged attacker is filmed brandishing knife and cleaver, in broad daylight as a witness say he saw two men at first looked like they are helping a man then it appeared that they were attacking him and then the suspect with blood-covered hands uses jihadist rhetoric to justify the violence.
Brandishing a cleaver and a knife, and with the body of the victim lying yards away, the man said:
"We swear by almighty Allah we will never stop fighting you. The only reason we have done this is because Muslims are dying every day. This British soldier is an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth."

"We must fight them. I apologise that women had to witness this today.

"But in our land our women have to see the same. You people will never be safe. Remove your government, they don't care about you."

The man then walks away to talk to another suspect attacker.

Commander Simon Letchford from the Metropolitan Police said: "Two men, who we believe from early reports to have been carrying weapons, were shot by police.

"There will continue to be an increased police presence in this area, and the surrounding areas this evening. That presence will continue as long as is needed.
"I am asking people to remain calm, and avoid unnecessary speculation." Report by Rob Gillett.

The police is investigating the circumstances of  the incident.

Is this is Jihad ? Would Allah accept those attackers into his heaven ? Is there is anyone who can watch this sad news and think well done boys, you are heroes and you are distend to great heaven ? 
How in the name of any religion can someone takes an innocent life with such cold blood? I am Muslim and I understand that in Muslim world terror happens too, see what happens in Nigeria or the continuous human violations in Palestine or the Muslim mass murder in Porma  but this does not makes the attackers any better, those are just another monsters, Two wrongs does not make a right, this is terrible thing to happen, I feel for the family and friends of the victim, what are the terrorist attackers trying to say or prove ? What that those attackers and people there likes are doing is making the world feel like we are the terrorists, this is how Muslims is and will be associated with terrorism.. As a Muslim I think that those individuals who commit such crimes are nothing more than sick people who have been through mind wash or plainly dangerous mentally abused predators. I am ashamed of them and I have one message for anyone who agrees even to the slightest with them, this is the face of evil and malice, Allah  is innocent of those crimes and filthy souls, Allah is better than to accept an innocent brutal death of a man on the hands of his follow man, in Islam it is known that Allah is the only one who gives life and take it and you ignorant of his grace individuals have taken a soul in his name, who do you think you are ?

The world is one F up place with you init.


  1. لقد ذكرت الحادث وعلقت عليه وانا متفق معك تماما فيما قلتيه هؤلاء مرضى والاسلام منهم بريء للاسف نحن من نسيء للاسلام وليس الاخرون

  2. فعلا استاذ مجددى, القله اللى بتنفذ العمليات دول بيسوؤا صوره الاسلام والناس المسلمه اللى عايشه فى البلاد دى هى اللى بتاعنى بعد كده من العنصريه الدينيه بسبب الخوف من فكره ارتباط الاسلام بالارهاب, وللاسف فى ناس بتهتف وتقول لا اله الا الله والله اكبر على اساس ان ربنا اللى بيحيى ويميت هيشوف ازهاق روح انسان بوحشيه على انه مرتبه من مراتب الجهاد... الاسلام برئ من اى ارهاب

  3. This is copied of one of my friends facebook.
    Aamar Qureshi
    3 hours ago via Mobile
    That soldier being murdered yesterday was horrific, I can't begin to imagine what his family & friends must be going through, someone lost their life from an act of senseless barbaric violence & no amount of collective grieving for him can bring him back, we can only hope the family find peace & justice very soon.
    The repercussions of yesterday's events go a lot lot further though.
    And I'm not making this about me, I'm just telling you how the repercussions affect us all.

    So this morning, I'm sitting at the bus stop (waiting to be picked-up, not getting a bus or anything as common as that, heaven forbid!) & I a see a man around 50 years old, just an average looking smartly dressed gentleman, crossing over the road approaching the bus stop & he spots me sitting at the bus stop myself from some way away as he is walking towards it.
    I can see him looking at me quite intently as he gets closer & closer to me, a wary but cold hard expression covering his face, as he gets closer still, he slows down little by little, whilst keeping his gaze firmly locked on to me & his demeanour stiffens somewhat too.
    As he comes to stand at the shelter I look up at him & give him a disarming smile & a nod to say "Hi, how are you ..", he instinctively smiles back at me & relaxes somewhat as I carry on messing around with my phone.
    Now this may sound all very unremarkable to most of you, but believe me when I tell you that it isn't that.
    The mans pace, stare, demeanour, expression, pensiveness & wariness are a reminder to me if how it felt the day after the first Gulf war kicked off when I was a kid standing on the underground platform, how I could almost reach out & touch the animosity & hatred towards me that was present in the air.
    It was the same the day after 9/11, the day after the 7/7 London terror attacks, etc.
    I'm now being looked at in the same way, I'm now awaiting the inevitable cars driving by with the windows down hurling abuse at me when I'm walking along the street, possibly with my child & partner, I'm now awaiting somebody calling me a terrorist anytime now.
    I am very perceptive to my surroundings & the people in my vicinity, I always have been, this is how I'm feeling now.
    I don't want to feel like this in the place where I live, Glasgow, Scotland.


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