A Child Of This World

Are we equal ? I mean, are people born for example in Sudan or India are equal in humanity and human rights with people born in The United States or Great Britain ?

The answer for this question is obviously no, even with all the campaigns, organizations and humanitarians work to spread a message of equality and human rights, behind the scenes of this charade, the same organizations, campaigns and humanitarians work to preserves the birthrights of the privileged, the same people behind the scene had divided the world into 3 different levels of humans.

The 1st would be the citizens of the world or the 1st world citizens such as Americans and Brits, followed by the 2nd world citizens or the countries of the ex Soviet union and finally the 3rd world citizens which contain all the under developed countries or countries with less means than the rest.

The world system is already divided to 3 broad categories to prevent the 3rd world citizens for example of enjoying the rights of the 1st world citizens.. Keeping people at order.

Is it alright to do so ? this division, this system in place ?

The answer is yes and no, yes to prevent the wrong people of taking the rightful jobs, social status and wealth of the citizens of the world and no because if a citizen of the world can locate themselves easily to an unfortunate, poor or troubled country to live, work or enjoy the weather the same right should be giving to different world citizens class to be able to move freely to other countries and citizens of the 3rd world countries are not made of thick potatoes brains and retard bodies, there is intelligent educated and  hardworking large group of individuals who will be of a use to the system not sponging of the system.

Again, as i mentioned in my last post, everything I write is based on my own experience and my opinions are formed based on what I seen and lived, this post is about people like me, children of this world, born with differences but lived equal and struggled to be equal only because we feel we are, here is a little story.

As a child, I was always asking questions, why this, why that, lots of things didn't make sense to me, I was supposed to believe in things that my mind refused to admit true, I grew up questioning everything I am told, reading and searching the truth before I adapt any believes as once I believe in something it will be based on logic so I can have total faith on it and can defend it with all my heart and powers, I am a citizen of a 3rd world country, Egypt, a female and seen as wild, it started with simple acts, like, not believing that boys and girls can not be friends or girls biggest ambitions is to get married to a wealthy good Muslim or that girls who smoke are whore.. simple believes like that made me realize that I am different than the rest, I had so many friends, good friends that happened to be boys, I did not wanna get marry young but rather wanted to travel the world and find myself 1st and I thought smoking is a personal choice and people should not be judged by such things.

The more I grew the more I realized bigger differences, I demanded freedom, the kind of freedom girls of my kind did not understand, I wanted to work while studying so I can get used to working, I wanted a boyfriend  because love is beautiful things, I wanted to walk in the streets holding hands, and I did not want to cover my body up, it is my body and I can do whatever I wish to do with it, I hate the heat and the sweat and I hate depressing my hair under a headscarf  I am beautiful and proud of my body.. I am not to be hidden or covered up because I am not something shameful.

Between my peers, I tried to fit in but it was hard, I see the world as a series of lessons to be learnt, mistakes should be done, people should try everything before they judge it and my peers are scared by nature, they obey all the rules in an automatic way, like robots and they believe in the system unlike me who believes this system was made to control people who can think of finding the truth.

I found out that I am an Arab Muslim female with a liberal western mind, and as everything western is sinful so was I, a big sinner, I could not live in a constant war to defend my beliefs among people who will never see the world and life the way I see it so I made my 1st travel, I ran away from this backward mentality to what I thought was a dream world.

Silly me, I actually thought, the minute I was over them borders, breathing a free air living amongst westerners I am free.. I believed I was a child of this world and I have the right to be whoever I wanna be, I thought the world will give me my chances but I soon enough was hit by the hard truth, people like me are held prisoners behind so many borders, based on my nationality I have limited human rights, I am treated as a Micky Mouse citizen, I am not respected, wanted neither appreciated.

In my country I had to fight and struggle daily to be accepted  and in this supposedly free world I have to fight and struggle to gain human rights that I do not have by birth.

So, freedom and liberality are gifts for those who are born in countries with values and values are made by economics, the more you have money the more your value goes up.

Is it fair ? every time I have to travel somewhere i spend hundreds of pounds on visas, sometimes it exceeds the cost of the holiday !!

I simply do not care what are the governments views on this matter, all I know is that I am a good individual who never caused trouble, I enjoy life and travelling and I should be illegible to go to where ever I want without restrictions... After all, The freedom of movements is one of the strongest human rights act and the last I checked, I had two legs, two hands, fully functioning human organs and aa brain !! Just exactly as everyone else.

I am a child of this world, I feel love for every spot on this earth, as a human, the whole earth belongs to me and my kind and it is as simple of that, the world should learn the principles of sharing, world treasures, energy, food, water and any other human needs should be shared equally, at this time and age, to know that there is a starving child, poor families with no dinner at their table, sick mothers who can not afford going to a doctor, uneducated youngsters who can not have a proper education because of the money !! those problems should vanish the minute we share.

I am a child of this world, no matter how old I grow i will still be a child of this earth and my loyalty goes to this earth, goes to fairness and justice, I feel that every country is my home country, we all should live in an estate of liberality, the whole world is stupid enough to fight instead of unite, a child of the world see the only solution is for the whole world to be ruled under one government, same rights and opportunities should equally arise to every corner of this earth.

One more thing I would like you all to know, not for one minute I had any regrets for living in constant fights and struggle, after all, to know freedom you need to know imprisonment, never I feel bad about my identity, my nationality, never I feel bad for being a Muslim female or Arab, being alive is a gift and it is one I appreciate and fight for. So, now I leave you all with a simple I LOVE YOU, brothers, sisters of mankind, we are all children of this very world.


  1. إنتى عربيه؟؟؟ يعنى هل جذورك تعود لإحدى القبائل العربيه فى شبه الجزيره العربيه؟

  2. ايوه انا عربيه, مش جزورى بس :) انا كلى على بعضى مصريه وافتخر

  3. مصريه حاجه وعربيه حاجه تانيه خالص. ومش معنى انك بتتكلمى عربى تبقى عربيه. يعنى مثلا لو حد مصرى بيتكلم عايش فى ألمانيا وبيتكلم ألمانى كويس ومعاه جنسيه عمره ماهيكون ألمانى.فإنتى قدامك واحد من الاختيارات الاتيه:
    ١- إنتى مصريه مسلمه من أصل عربى وجذورك تعود لإحدى القبائل العربيه التى نزحت لمصر
    ٢- إنتى مصريه مسلمه من أصل غير عربى وجذور أجدادك تعود للأتراك أو الأفارقه أو البربر أو الاوروبيين اللى أسلموا
    ٣- إنتى مصريه مسلمه جذورك تعود لبناة الاهرام للمصريين القدماء اللى أسلموا

  4. الله اعلم !!!! انا مصريه عربيه, كبرت فى مصر وبعدين الدنيا اخدتنى !!
    الاكيد انى عربيه وده لان مصر اسمها (جمهوريه مصر العربيه) وكمان انا مسلمه الحمدلله بس انا مسلمه ليبراليه , اما عن اصولى فأعتقد والله اعلم انى من اخر نسل الفراعنه هههه والسبب الوحيد ان شكلى زى خالتو كيلوباترا !! او الناس بتقولى كده لدرجه ان فى ناس بتنادينى كيلوباترا بسبب شكلى !!!

    مفيش وسيله انى اتحقق لكن اللى يجيبه ربنا كويس !!!


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