Racism In The Middle East

Are Arabs Racist ? Yes we are, full stop.
In the middle east there is a complex ideology of racism, there is a great denial by speech and excessive hate by action, the Middle East with its different ethnics groups and minorities embraces racism, any differences from the majority suffers racism,   Alawites, Armenians, Assyrians, Baha'is, Berbers, Chaldeans, Copts, Druzes, Ibadis, Ismailis, Jews, Kurds, Maronites, Sahrawis, Tuareg  Turkmen, Yazidis and Zaidis (and the rest of the long list) 
Racism in the Arab world does not only stop at the widely concept used by the Gulf countries towards Asians such as Indians, Pakistanis and Philippines that those nations are lower in value and do not deserves to be treated like proper humans such as Arabs themselves,  it does not stop at the minorities such mentioned above no, it spreads across the Middle East towards blacks such as Nubians of Egypt and Sudan.In Lebanon in June 2010, Lebanese Internal Security Forces crashed a Sudanese cancer fundraiser in Beirut. During the incident, the Lebanese Arabs called the Sudanese "animals" and "niggers", while physically hitting them with batons. They used extreme physical force and violence against the Sudanese and also used racial epithets. The Sudanese, who held citizenship of Sudan, were legally residing in Lebanon. While pressing their boots on the bodies of the Sudanese, the Lebanese made the Sudanese lie prostrate with their stomachs touching the ground.Dark-skinned Egyptian President Anwar Sadat faced insults of not looking "Egyptian enough" and "Nasser's black poodle. An Egyptian Nubian soccer player Mahmoud Abdel Razek stopped playing football due to racist slurs by rival Egyptian fans during a game.

Racism against color in the Middle East and Arab world is not the worse kind of Racism yet to be found, There is the hypocrite face of Islamophobia, when Muslim minorities treated badly in Western countries the Arab world and the Middle East use that to prove how bad is the world specially if Americans or Israelis are involved towards Arabs yet all Muslims in the Middle East seems to give a blind eye to how individuals and governments treat the minorities.
There is so many examples of Racism is the Middle East it is hard to pick, the suffering of groups such as the Kurds from the Syrians, in 2004 Qamishli accident, were a local Kurds football team supporters been held captive in the football stadium and shot at by live bullets killing 5 and days after that incident 160 Kurds been injured, to our current date, it is against the law to teach Kurdish language in schools or to publish any material written in Kurdish.
If we put minorities aside, Arabs are racist against each other, poor countries such as non oil rich countries suffer racism in the form of labour, as an example, poor Egyptians working in Saudi Arabia in latest events being collected like dogs and put in pickup trucks on the borders to deport them regarding their humanity, treating them with cruelty, imprisoning them, it is a widely known thing in Egypt that Gulf countries think of other Arab nations as beneath them and lower than them.
In Tunisia the amount of racist Jokes on Libyans is something out of this world, even in countries such as Jordan Egyptians are seen  as a nation of no morals (it seems like the majorities of Arabs only notice the nightclubs of El Haram street in El - Giza city when judging Egyptians).
After The 2011 Egyptian revolution religion racism have been a major concern to all liberal Egyptians, cathedrals been burned to the ground, Brotherhood followers killing Christians (Copts), there is  great division between Muslims and the Christian minority, 
In daily life Arab use swear words against each other such as you are Jewish or you are Kurds, in all the above I have not mentioned Arabs racism against the state of Israel or Jews in general, this goes beyond hate and as an Arab myself, I see that this racism is mutual, Israelis use the worse kind of racism accompanied with physical and mental torture to Philistines and Arabs direct their hate against their actions by teaching their kids to hate jews and Israel, so you will find all the generations of Arabs brought up to mindlessly hate jews.

Some will read my article and think I am an anti-Arab or Anti-Islam, you are wrong I am proud of being an Arab, I respect all religions weather Islam, Christianity or Judaism but I am one of the new generation of Arabs, the minority of Liberal Arabs, and because I love being an Arab I simply want us to be the best nation can ever be, my sense of nationalism is undoubtful, my loyalty goes to Egypt and the Middle East but I will not stand silent against the face of wrongdoing, all free individuals should shed lights on the faults of their societies not to shame them but to give them the time to reflect and change, to improve, to stop denying and start getting better.
I am an Egyptian Arab female that sees racism as a disease eats the inside out of any society, I was brought up to be racist against blacks and Jews yet I had an open mind and I simply know how wrong is that and if I can see the enormous downside of humanity in the act of racism then we (all Arabs) can, keep an open mind.
Why judge anyone on anything other than their personalities ? It is stupid, backward and ignorant to be racist and we all should be simply better human, better that to commit any hate crimes, better just because this is what humanity is all about. 
I might not agree with governments such as Israel but to hate the civilians or the Jews for it is something completely wrong, to see my brothers and sister in nationality in Egypt being so violent towards Christians (Copts) using the (tit for tat) childish system, killing and killing and shedding blood, accusing Copts of stirring trouble against Mohammed Morsi (The Brotherhood doll) or president, not being able to build churches without a residential permission... How utterly stupid is that ?
Hand in hand we all should be, to love and to learn is to live and any decent human should see the truth of humanity in love and acceptance of one another.

In my article I am shedding light on racism in my world, sad thing it is that racism exists in every society and we all should be cured of it, Arabs or Non Arabs, we should all be better humans, we should all say no to racism.

Once again, I leave you with a message of Love. 


  1. يا عزيزتي كلنا عنصريين بدرجات العنصريه موجوده في بيوتنا وتربيتنا لاولادنا التخلص من العنصريه الكريهه والتي تحرمها الاديان يبدا منى عقولتا

  2. اتفق معاك تماما استاذ مجدى, للاسف العنصريه مرض متفشى ولكن الاجيال الجديده عندها الفرصه لكى تنأى بعقولها وتسمى بنفسها على العنصريه.


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