Living To Live Not To Watch Life Slip Away

Sometimes, lots of times when life gets a bit too much and we worry and stress out, when we think there is no light in the end of the tunnel and there is no way out we forget one very important thing, we are still a life, that alone is the biggest bliss we can ever have, just being able to breath means we still have time to apply any and all necessarily changes, there is nothing stronger than a hard well and nothing beats a desire to do something you really want to do.

For a while now I have been questioning my self, how long will I fight to be really free, how long would it take me to build a proper life here in this beautiful western world, Running away from a system, from a certain culture and mindset is not an easy thing to do, people like me think that the only problems we have is the ones in our home country, in the place that does not accept us the way we wants to be and try to force us into a system, I thought the minute I am on the other side of the world there is a new free life, no borders, no more mind control, but facts are, I have to go through an endless process of legal issues, papers questioning my right of residency, my right of beings, visas, conditions and restrictions on living, things a normal person born in any western country know nothing about or can grasp the real truth of hard work behind it, being a legal citizen in any country requires money, routine, offices, government work, stamps and exams, it is hard work, pressure and time wasted, so many things we (me and people like me) do to just be, to just live, being a girl from an underdeveloped country add to that a certain race and nationality does have its toll on my human value and human rights.

For a while now I was questioning myself whether my act of struggling to escape was an act of bravery or absolute foolishness,  am I right to explore my options regarding being a Muslim Arab female or am I wrong to waste years of my life for a cause, a simple cause as freedom that never seems to actually happen.

But, today I met a friend who asked me a very simple question, tell me about you ? he said, I then told him some of what I did along the years and I kid you not, I am living my life regarding my struggling and constant fighting, I did so many things millions and millions of girls of my nation, culture will only dream of doing, I been to many places, I seen too many wonderful things and I learnt so many things, strangers become friends and life teaches you lessons you would not learn unless you lived, when everything got complicated I survived, I became stronger and I lived to see a different day, a new day.

So, if somehow you found my post and read my words and life is not going the direction you want it too, do not worry, what meant to be will be, be happy, be alive, do not regret decisions you made, its done, just be the best you can be and do the best you can do for your self.

Remember, YOLO

There is so many bad things that happens to other people but not you, there is worse things you can see and know but you are lucky not to, and anything you struggle with you might fail but eventually you will outlive and will be stronger, it is true, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

And if you are smiling right now with sarcasm remember, I had nothing at all, I had no support circle, no real chances of success and my plans were seen as dreamy, idealistic and unrealistic but I had my well and my determination and I broke through the impossible and I freed myself . Nothing is impossible, JUST DO IT. You can.


  1. لماذا استسلم؟ لماذا لااقاوم؟ هل الهروب هو الحل ماذا تريدين ؟الحريه حسنا ادفعي ثمنها وهل الحياه عندك هي الامل لا ستظلين مواطن درجه ثانيه او ثالثه وتفقدين من يحبوك انا لااعرفك حتى اسمك لااعرفه ولكني اعتبرتك بنتي اوحتى اختي الصغيره فمابالك بمن يحبك وهو يعرفك واذا هربت كما تريدين هل سنهرب كلنا وماذا بعد؟ والعقول المميزه مثلك نخسرها جميعا يابنتي يااختي نحن نحبك فلاتتركينا

  2. لماذا اترك بيتي ؟لماذا اترك من يحبوني؟لماذا اعرض نفسي على الاخرين؟هل هناك جنه في الارض؟صدقيني لا

  3. أستاذ مجدى, اشكرك لتفاعلك واحب أوضح ان انا لم اهرب لمجرد الهروب بل لأن الحروب اصبح هو الحل الوحيد للحياه, هل أردت الهروب قطعا وطبعا لا فأنا أحب وطنى حب قد لا يعرفه الا من تغرب عن الوطن والبيت والاهل ولكن الوطن لم يعطنى فرصه رغم محاولاتى العديده, لم أجد من يحتوى عقليتى, ينمى موهبتى, لم اجد من يعترف بإختلافى بل فقط وجدت أعداء يحاولون القضاء على بشتى الطرق, وجدت كسره القلب وخيبه الظن , رأيت الاهل يعادونى لمجرد انى ليبراليه ووجدت الوطن ينبذنى ويحاربنى لان أرائى اكبر من أن يفهمونها, سأعطيك مثال حى من أكثر الاشياء التى تؤلمنى أن أخى الشقيق يعتقد فى أسوء الاشياء ويتهمنى بأشبع الذنوب لمجرد أنى لا اتفق معه فى أراءه السياسيه, للأسف أستاذ مجدى أنا أكبر مثال أن الرأى الاخر ليس له مكان فى مجتمع متعصب.. أما عن كونى مواطن درجه ثانيه فهذا غير صحيح, رغم صعوبه وتعقد الاجراءات القانونيه الا انى هنا حره لأفكر واكون ما اريده, انسانيتى لها معنى وقيمه, عقلى له قيمه, اما عن خساره من يحبونى فهذا خيار اشتركو فيه ورغم حبى الشديد لهم الا انهم لا يتقبلونى كما انا وانا ارفض ان اعيش بغسيل مخ وعقل لا يفكر, وبما انك تكلمنى كأخ اكبر فلى ان اقول لك, ان الله وهبنى بشخصيه محبوبه وهناك الكثيرون من يهتمون بى ويحبونى بلا سبب وبلا انتظار لاى مقابل,.

  4. well done girl keep it up :)

  5. Thank you Muhamed :) and hope you liked my blog.


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