United Religion

The world as it is is full of conflicts and struggles, hidden wars and political wars, and there is religions, different religions, different faiths and different believe systems, there is more people died because of religions than people who died in the world war one and two together., when did religion became a cause of death ?? since the beginning of time,  all religions had been merely a message to guide humanity and focus attention on the moral compass of each individual and in each society yet with time passing by it is no longer about guiding humans through their lives and making them the best they can be but rather about who is right and who is wrong, and it did not stop there it went to a limit of trying to prove other religions are wrong-by using force and weapons-, each religion now teaches people that they are the chosen race and only them will nail the heavens of the afterlife, there is so much hate going on this world, Christians trying hard to spread the message of Jesus by sending missionaries into other countries to try and convert them to Christianity-to gain the power by population-, Islam opening up to people to convert by making them think this is the only way to heaven and this applies to most religions.

I personally do not understand how any religion can make you feel bad about yourself or others, any religion that makes you hate others or make you think they are beneath you is a religion without a moral compass and when the moral compass breaks down the whole point of religion breaks down and the only thing left behind is politics, people using religion as a powerful tool to gain more power and control, it is all about politics nowadays, this is wrong.

I call upon you all to stop being arrogant humans and to think for yourselves, use your brains and think logically, do not follow orders of any religion blindly but rather debate it with your mind and conscious, let your humanity have a say, ask yourself if this is right or wrong, this is the only way you bring religion to its true cause.

Be religious, submit your faith and feel the power and wonders of our creator, appreciate life with everything on it, life is about justice and love, the world is unfair but it is unfair for a reason, so we can have free well to choose rights or wrongs and being human means making mistakes and religion is here to guide us to make the right decisions and to choose he rights and steer away from the wrongs, religions job is to make us better humans, worthy humans and to bring justice to our world and through justice comes love.

We are all loved and we are all equal in rights, forget the bullshit the world system have been feeding you for centuries, it does not matter the name of the religion you have faith in, it is quite simple and clear that all religions have the same basics, the same teaching so why don't we go back to the sources before the corruption of power infected mankind who in their turn changed the interpretation of religion to gain more power and began to come closer to our almighty creator who we are a part off, and lets be humans, I mean good humans, decent humans, no hate, no racism or preferences, just humans with a high sense of humanity and a morals, we need morals more than we need fanatic religious people or groups, we need people who love this world to fix it not to add to its existed problems.

We need to unite and let go of our differences for the greater good. Humanity.


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