
Showing posts from October, 2013

Hawa Hawa-Interesting. Init ?

I have been recently introduced to Bollywood, my idea about Bollywood movies that they were all about love, the movie "hero" might get shot, stabbed, had a fight with zillion person and still saved his lover.. !!! if she didn't turn in the end to be his step sister. LOL Of course my uninformed opinion was based on the fact that I dont normally go to the dvd store and look on foreign movies sections ! Although I remember watching movies for an actor called Amitabh Bachchan, subtitles on. That was all my knowledge of Bollywood, then I watched a movie for Ranbir Kapoor called Barfi, I kid you not I was taken, the film story was very interesting as is the scenario, picture, sound and of course the extraordinary talented cast, I do advise you to watch this movie, you can easily watch it online with subtitles. After falling in love with Barfi I decided to venture in Bollywood, watched everything with subtitles I can get my hands on, there is other amazing actors and more a