Young day, Today

Tomorrow may never come so lets live today, listen to the cries of life lovers, listen to the echos of the living, I know life can get too much but it doesn't matter, we are alive, now, today and we are still breathing, every breath is a chance to change and make things happen.

Someone wise told me before, If you want something so bad do not stop at just wishing for it to come to you, go and get it, reach with your hands and take it.

Is your life full of trouble ? Are you struggling ? It will not come as a shock to you knowing that your troubles and struggles are merely a part of being alive, life is not only about joy and happiness it is about pain too, being human is a journey where you experience all the human emotions and feeling the pain, the stress is as much human as feeling happiness, content and joy, if not for the sadness we will never recognise happiness, if not for the pain we will never recognise comfort and if not for hate we will never know love.

The key to a full life is to understand that nothing last forever, the change is inevitable, you will never be down for ever neither you will be floating between the clouds for ever, take the ups and downs with a head held high, be the best you can be and let the things out of your control be, you can only be in control of certain aspect of life but certainly not life itself.

We are alive now, we can do anything, absolutely anything, there is no limits or borders, anything that hold you back is holding you back because you are letting it have a strong hold of you, let go and do not stop dreaming, dream, imagine and let your soul and inner self lead you, do not give up or in, be yourself knowing that only you is able to break any chains, only your well will reach high and touch the stars, if you let yourself down the world will not argue you to keep your head high or push you forward, its you who can change the world so do not let the world change you.

Love, learn, struggle, make  things happen, fall apart and get yourself up, fix the broken pieces and throw away the unfixable, do not dwell and play the plame game, there is no place for what IFS.

Take my word for it, you are the miracle of this world, you are the best in life, your humanity and your uniqueness do not deserve to be neglected or taken for granted, you are neither unlucky or unprivileged, just do not give up my friend, my stranger friend, we are nothing but life force and a force need to be directed and not wasted.

Do not be a waste of life, your life means a lot to the world, remember, we are all here for a reason, so shine, and let your life touch other people lives, be the miracle of the universe and be the most unique you can be, appreciate your differences and rise higher than you can ever dream, it's never too late, can you feel your breath going in and out ? This is the strongest prove that you are able to challenge the world or even change it.

We are alive, we are the life and every breath counts.


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