Being Human

As it is my blog I am allowed to moan therefore here I go.

Am I human ? no I am not and why because I am from a Micky Mouse country that does not provide me with human rights, what is humanity without rights ? In this time and age slavery have many shapes and forums and it is basically restricting an individual and not allowing an individual to practice their freedom and what is humanity without freedom, you probably will not know the meaning of my world if you are privileged to be born with human rights, rights to be who you are and do what you like or say what you think and act based on your believes, for me and others like me struggling to gain freedom we were never given is a constant pain and constant battles, we live to fight and we fight just to be free, we do not ask for much, all we want is to live as decent humans, have a good education and pursue our dreams.

Being a Liberal Muslim female born and raised within a religious family in a Muslim country alone is beyond words, Being the black sheep or a dark horse is rather a curse than a bless, it is a bless to be liberated but it is a curse to be liberated within a closed minded society, the constant emotional abuse for being different had wasted years of my life to break me and to demand me to be their normal rather than what I see normal.
How would I love to be a child again, and to be able to dream ignorant to the fact that dreams does not come true, ignorance is a bless, when you do not know that you can not do what you want as a fact you have hope and you keep trying to make your dreams come true, but growing old had taught me that the world is not ready yet to understand differences, the world is yet not ready to see throw the fabrics of the big image into the poor souls forming little details that is hidden within the majority.

And for me to think that the world will accept me and welcome me with open arms for the same reason my society rejects me simply because I am different than the norm and that I believe in Liberalism no matter what is your religion or gender.

And now, in a Western world, where human right watch work day and night to defend freedom, where people speak out loud and demand their freedom I still can not gain my freedom, I still can not have human rights.

Women rights ? utter and absolute bollocks, human rights ? not for people who are not eligible for it.

What's next ? I am tired, exhausted and I am losing my breath, I do not have it in me to continue fighting, I would rather die in the pursue of freedom than to live a slave in any forum or shape, God had created me free and this world and the system can not deny my rights to be free.

I want to be free without compromising.. Give me my freedom or do the decent thing and put me in a grave.


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