Being Human

As it is my blog I am allowed to moan therefore here I go. Am I human ? no I am not and why because I am from a Micky Mouse country that does not provide me with human rights, what is humanity without rights ? In this time and age slavery have many shapes and forums and it is basically restricting an individual and not allowing an individual to practice their freedom and what is humanity without freedom, you probably will not know the meaning of my world if you are privileged to be born with human rights, rights to be who you are and do what you like or say what you think and act based on your believes, for me and others like me struggling to gain freedom we were never given is a constant pain and constant battles, we live to fight and we fight just to be free, we do not ask for much, all we want is to live as decent humans, have a good education and pursue our dreams. Being a Liberal Muslim female born and raised within a religious family in a Muslim country alone is beyond...